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Sunday 29 April 2007

To burn or not to burn!

There is a curse about heat embossing for me. Terrible dramas ensue when I start to emboss. The latest - I nearly set fire to the carpet. There is a fetching ATC shaped burn mark on my studio carpet now. I usually do heat embossing on my desk but it was rather overflowing this time so I knelt on the floor. Big mistake. I didn't even notice the heat. Usually if my fingers start to burn I realise that it is too hot. But I was so busy watching the colours change that I didn't see the carpet.

There have been a few situations like that. The first time I tried it I didn't have a heat gun so decided to use a candle. Once again I got so caught up in watching the colours that I didn't notice the card had set on fire. I panicked, ran round the room twice with the burning paper then remembered to throw it in the bathroom sink. The second time I had just bought a new heat gun. I switched it on, it screamed like a harpie and then blew up. I tell you there is a curse about heat embossing. On the up side, it gives some lovely effects. You can see my attempts in the photos.

Sunday 1 April 2007

A new first

I finished my first non-realistic piece of art that I am to sell this week. The picture of it does not do it justice. The actual piece is more red and richer in colour. But overall I am very pleased with it. I enjoyed the process of making it. When I did my conventional painting my blood pressure was permanently raised. It was highly stressful for me as I was always trying to make it look how I wanted it to. I always fell short and as never pleased with the result. But I like this piece. I hope other people will.

I finally signed up to my next Open University course too - Ancient and Medieval Cities: a Technological History. I can't wait. It has been four years since I graduated from Royal Holloway: University of London where I read Classical Studies. It was a tough time for me but I NEED to study again. After this course I hope to sign up for the World Archaeology course in September. I have to admit that it feels good to get back into the academic world.