Pages on my blog

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Hot cakes

It seems I haven't been posting as many of my watercolour sketches as I thought I had. Do you ever have those times when you are sure you have done something only to discover you haven't? Well, I seem to live in those moments all the time these days. Anyway, I put some of the sketches on Etsy and they are selling really well. It is a little confusing for me as I have spent 23 years trying to create art that I am happy with (to see some of my favourite pieces see the link 'Recent Art' on the right of this page, under the Twitter button) but people love my quick sketches. I have been asked to paint several commissions of both pets and wildlife since I started listing the sketches too. It is lovely that people want to buy my art though. I have sent them all over the world recently and it has been such a thrill. Here are a few images that I have been creating. If you want to see more, go to my Etsy store and click on '277 sales' on the left of the page, under 'shop info'. You'll see foxes, hare and otters, to name but a few.

Friday 23 September 2011

From the mad scientist of beads

I have been experimenting like a mad beading scientist this week. I got very messy, very covered in glue and my eyes were filled with glitter. Well, maybe not 'filled' exactly but there was glitter in my eyes on several occasions. Let me tell you, it's not something I advise. It nips. However, from these experiments came some new style beads. Silk paper beads to be precise. I got some wonderful colour combinations and am very pleased with them. I have added a few sets to my Etsy store but I really must find something wonderful to do with some myself. Mmmm. What to make?


My beads have been featured in another blog. This week it is 'janettalk' which focuses on paper goodies, in particular paper beads. Janet, who writes the blog, has been showing how to make paper beads - from the basics to some of the problems you might enounter during the process. She has used my beads as an example of other ways to make beads and I am very pleased and honoured that she thinks my beads are good enough for that purpose. You can find the actual post here but why not take a look at the other posts too and maybe learn something new.