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Wednesday 20 December 2006

Altered way of life

Another frosty morning but the strange thing is that the dandelions and dead nettles are still flowering. The seasons are very strange now. The leaves fell from the flowering currant in my garden and revealed a host of new buds. The Kilmarnock willow is covered in catkins. The sun is way to warm for December - and no sign of a white Christmas. H'rumph!

I have been having a mild flirtation with altered art recently. After more than 20 years of trying to draw and paint in a realistic style I got fed up with it all and wanted to play with colour and texture. Lovely thick acrylic with peaks sticking off the page. Vibrant reds, oranges and greens (and other colours as the mood dictates). Ripping, tearing and grubbying. Paper, card, clay, wire. I guess that is the only good thing about personal disappointments (the trigger for this rejection of all things neat and tidy). It scrubbles your brain and emotions until nothing makes any sense. One year and one and a half months after the end of a platonic friendship that meant the world to me (but who's counting) I still can't get my head back into the mould it should be in - for the sake of my finances if nothing else. I have painted just one proper painting in that time. I wonder if the old me will ever return? Maybe. For the first time in over a year I have felt the desire to go back to studying. I am a huge fan of the Open University (take a look at their site for more info - and have taken all kinds of courses with them over the last 10 years. Ancient history is my main fascination and they allowed me the freedom to study while making money too. In the meantime it is back to the rainbow of colours in my acrylic paint tubes. If I come up with something that I think is worth putting on the site I shall do. This afternoon I shall be creating an almost late Christmas card and decorating some 1x1 inch squares in altered style. Beats the last minute Christmas rush to the shops.

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