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Sunday 17 February 2008

On tubes of paint and an old rucksack

I made some polymer clay inchies this week. That was fun. Very different from my usual stuff. I used foils, impressing techniques, canes and paints.

I also had a couple of cards to make. From October until the end of March I have a large number of celebrations that require cards - birthdays, anniversaries and religious celebrations (Easter and Christmas) to name but a few. Those are not just cards sent from me either. Family members ask me to make cards for them. So not only am I busy but I go through a huge amount of paper and card too. Which is actually quite nice as I get to shop for new card once things have calmed down. You know, many women like jewellery, shoes, handbags, etc. I have little interest in those things. My 'handbag' is a second world war rucksack, the kind used by the Chindits in Burma. It has been everywhere with me and cost £2 (about $4) from an army surplus store years ago. However, I go nuts for tubes of paint, paper and card. I love to see the colours in the tubes of paint, the feel of them on my fingers and the way they move on the page. But then I guess there are quite a few people who read this that can identify with that.

So I have added a couple of pictures of some cards I made - one a very simple image on some coloured matts, the other a pair of embossed fish matted on some hand painted papers and cards. Sorry if the embossing does not show up too well. The embossing stencil is of koi by Dreamweaver. I hope you enjoy seeing them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the card with the flower. It is quite beautiful in its simplicity.


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