Pages on my blog

Saturday 22 March 2008


My favourite web sites are those involving books so Amazon plays a big part in my life. The other day I was browsing through it when I came across Luxury Ducks like this one . I chose the tartan one for obvious reasons (I'm Scottish) but they come in a wide variety of colours and patterns. I love rubber ducks. They always look so self satisfied. So these ones took my fancy. But they also got me thinking - why not collage my own duck. Not a propper rubber duck but a flat, card version. So in pops Super Gill - mistress of templates (AKA me) and rattled off a duck template. My first collaged and decorated duckies are included here. Considering it is Easter I figured it was topical and they are just a bit of springtime fun. I have also included my Star Wars inchies, mentioned in the last post.

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