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Saturday 19 April 2008

Historic Linton

Just a few pictures from this week. Some interactive inchies, hand carved rubber stamps, a couple of cards and a painting of the local church. The photo does not do the painting justice I'm afraid. It was too big to scan so I had to photograph it instead.
I have lost count of the number of times I have painted this church. It is very picturesque and had an interesting back story. It dates back to at least 1127 and is said to be Scotland's second oldest church. The sandy hill it stands on is rumoured to have been built up by two sister nuns. In atonement for their brother's sins they were ordered by the Pope to riddle the sand into the mound. However, the more logical (and less romantic) story revolves around the fact that the hollow where the church is built used to be a loch (or lake) and the sand migrated there due to the action of the water. I prefer the story about the nuns.
The whole area has a great deal of history surrounding it including a myth about a Medieval worm (as in dragon type worm, not an earthworm) that laid waste to the local countryside. Just like the story of George and the Dragon, a laird, William de Somerville, dispatched said worm and freed the region from terror. The worm's lair is said to be in the hill just behind my house but no one has ever excavated the depression the ground said to be the entrance. Evidence of prehistory, the Roman occupation, the arrival of Christianity and the influence of the Normans can all be seen here. There are even rumours of a secret tunnel under the church. It is certainly not lacking in interest and I can even see the 15th century Cessford Castle from my window. Unfortunately there is a lack of local archaeological digs, historical study or protection of the historical sites in this area and it is only a matter of time until there is very little but myths and legends left. 
Update: 26/2/21 - updated link to Cessford Castle information.


  1. Gillian: I can see why the church intrigues you so. The stories are fascinating. Great painting...I love the detail of the shadows. Amazing stamps too. You have become an expert carver.

  2. I love your hand carved rubber stamps. Very nice.

    Also love the church in Historic Linton. Our surname is Linton, did we come from there, do you think?

    Lolly Linton


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