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Friday 16 May 2008


At long last I finished my first assignment for my art course. Due to other commitments and my commissioned work it had to take the back seat for a while. It has been four months since I signed up. FOUR months! That is the 'still life' effect in action. Having to draw it makes life stand still. I sincerely hope it will not take me another four months to do the next assignment.

However, what follows in the course is the exciting bit - drawing animals and using a host of new media. Next stop: coloured pencils. Yippee!


  1. Exrtaordinary drawing!! Your time and energy certainly shows.

  2. Wow! That is an absolutely amazing drawing - you have real talent.

  3. O my! This looks like a photo! It is perfect. I love it so much!

  4. beautiful work Gillian... i feel as if I could reach out and touch him!!!


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