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Thursday 24 July 2008

Art squared

I have not been playing much the last couple of weeks. I have been uninspired to say the least. I did fling some paint around to make some new paper though. Blue acrylic paint was washed onto cheap watercolour paper then sprayed with Adirondack Color Wash (terracotta and lettuce). While wet I threw a handful of salt onto the paint and then lightly misted with water from a spray bottle. From that a couple of random pages evolved. Not sure what I will do with them yet. They might find themselves on the front of a card or two soon.

I have been playing with a few more ideas for inchies. I am working with a Jacob's Ladder type inchie at the moment. As a child I had a Jacob's Ladder that gave me hours of pleasure and frustration. I wanted to know how it worked. I was awful for that as a child. You should have seen the state of my Tiny Tears dolly. I wanted to know how she blinked and it ended badly for her. However, I now know how a Jacob's Ladder works thanks to the Split Coast Stampers web site (again). The inchie pictured here is a slider inchie. It is made with a small strip of plastic bag on the inside which makes both sides of the inchie slide out when one is pulled. I saw the idea on a craft show in greetings card form and decided it would work as an inchie.


  1. Beautiful paper Gillian. And I always love seeing your drawings!

  2. Nice selections... love the paper. You've been busy.


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