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Thursday 28 August 2008

Q & A

Marilyn at The Creative Wabbit tagged herself today with a selection of questions and I felt inspired to give them a go myself.

What was I doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago is a long time back. I'm not sure I can remember so I will have to look up my diary. Ah, yes, I was working for a figurine company painting cute cats and bears for a living. It was really nice work but the pay was awful. I had just started studying with the Open University. I found my first white hair (yes, I put an entry about it in my diary. I was 25 and most 'put out' about it.) I was also a massive rugby fan going to as many matches as I possibly could.

List five things on today's to-so list.
Make a birthday card for my Gran's 89th birthday.
Wrap birthday presents.
Try out new rubber stamps.
Walk to the post box to post a letter.
Make Italian style tomato sauce and freeze some for later.

List five favorite snacks.
Mixed pickles and olives - either together or separately
Chocolate, particularly anything with caramel or praline in it
Mushrooms - technically not a snack but I will eat mushrooms anytime.
Bakewell tarts (individual ones) - little pastry cups filled with almond sponge and jam (jelly), topped with fondant icing and a cherry.

Things I'd do if I was a billionaire.
Open my own animal shelter. Animal cruelty sickens me and I am sorry to say that there is a huge increase in it in the UK. Cats are being shot by people with air rifles (like bee-bee guns), horses mutilated in their fields, dogs starved to death or flung in rives to drown just because their owners can't be bothered to look after them. There is an ancient Indian saying that states you can tell the character of a person by the way they treat animals.

Contribute to museums in the UK, especially the British Museum - my home from home. I have had a great deal of enjoyment from museums in my life and I would like to contribute to keeping items of interest in the UK. Unfortunately museums are also buying a lot of tat because they feel they should be adding contemporary items to their collections. Mmmmm. All over the world museums have basements stacked full with artifacts that never see the light of day. They need to be studied!

Contribute some way to help homeless people. I would say 'a soup kitchen' but soup kitchens are being closed down all over the place here in the UK. I am not very sure why though. There are alot of excuses but I think the crux of the matter is that many people feel homeless people are to blame for their own situations. I am not one of them. Sometimes people need and want a little aid just to survive the horrible situations life send them. There are huge numbers of empty buildings in towns and cities that could be put to better use, not only for the homeless but youngsters too. I'm going to stop now as it is starting to sound like another rant.

List five places I've lived.
Kilmarnock - west coast of Scotland
Verwood - south coast of England
Bo'ness - central Scotland, west of Edinburgh (least said, soonest mended - scary place!)
London - well, London, a wonderful place, full of life and adventure, whatever your style.
Scottish Borders - south of Scotland

List some people I'd like to know more about.
Anyone who wants to share a little of themselves with me. I love to hear about their differences and their similarities to me. Anyone prepared to accept me as I am and not criticise me for not being like them. That makes me mad.

If you want to give these questions a shot - go for it!


  1. Wonderful answers! Thanks for joining in on my self-tagging, Gillian.

    And I love those stamps too. You've done beautiful things with them and have given me some ideas for upcoming projects I need to start working on. Thanks!

  2. Great to get to know you better through your answers!


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