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Friday 6 February 2009

Snow time for fun?

It snowed yesterday. And snowed and snowed and snowed. To top it all of it snowed a little more. I haven't seen this much snow in years. Compared to some places I could mention it is just a drop in the ocean but Britain has been lacking in snow for a few years now. Everyone was blaming global warming, of course, so councils were totally unprepared for the situation this time. Now the media are complaining about all the school that shut and people who could not get into work. I find that sad. People up and down the country have been out in the snow having a great deal of fun. These days, when people are loosing their homes and jobs due to the credit crisis it is nice to see something joyful happening. I, myself, went for a walk in the snow yesterday and today shoveled snow to clear the path to my door. I had fun. I even built a little snowman out of the snow I cleared away.

Not to be outdone I created a few sparkling snowflakes of my own to hang inside too. Some die cut snowflake punched out of hand painted papers were liberally glittered using a new glitter I bought. It is made up of strands rather than tiny dots and gives a different effect. It also spreads for a mile when you spill it on the work surface.

1 comment:

  1. Fun visiting you Gillian, what a perfect snowy landscape, beautifully captured
    I have enjoyed looking at your artwork very much!


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