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Wednesday 27 May 2009

Etsy update

I have been updating my Etsy store this week. Lots of new beads are instore with more to follow. I have also branched out to make polymer stamps. They are all handmade and most are from my own designs. The original idea was to produce stamps of my pen and ink animals. Unfortunately I have had difficulty producing the fine lines on the stamps so have diversified into bolder designs until I can figure out how to sort out the problems. The stamps are deeply etched, giving a good stamped impression that I am pretty impressed with. What really clinched it for me was, while many big name polymer stamps 'give' under pressure thus leaving a slightly blobby images if you press too hard, these stamps don't and do not need as much pressure to give a clear image. There are a few designs up right now but I am hoping to add more this week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Gillian. You will have to restock. Just bought a few of your stamps!!


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