Pages on my blog

Saturday 27 June 2009

Making an exhibition

At long last I managed to come up with a few paintings for the exhibition. I still have more work to do on some but these two are now complete.

This little coal tit comes to my garden during the autumn and winter to get fed. He (or possibly she) is one of several that come to the feeders, pick out the seeds they like and spit the rest on the ground for other, ground feeding birds to get.

These guys are frequently seen in the field opposite. During the warmer weather some of them can be seen stretched right out in the grass sunbathing. You can't help but be inspired by their cute little faces.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Calling all journal writers

If you enjoy journals and creating your own pages you might like to take a look at Seth's latest blog entry at The Altered Page. It is about Barron Storey's latest exhibition in New York. The pictures of Storey's journal pages are amazing. It blows my mind to think of all the work that must go into them. If you like what you see there then you might like to take a look at Barron Storey's own blog for yet more stunning pictures. Thanks for the introduction, Seth.

Sunday 21 June 2009

And then the sun came out!

At long last I can see the sun. For most of June we have had dull grey skies and rain. We even had hail on one occasion. But it is still better than some parts of Scotland - the Highlands had two inches of snow earlier in the month!

Here are some of the cards I promised. The little one above is only a couple of inches tall by four inches long. Makes and ideal gift tag or thank you card for those who don't want to write alot. The others are Father's Day cards and a birthday card.

Note the Scooby Doo decoupage! Who, of a certain age, doesn't love Scooby Doo?

This one is made using Crafty Individuals papers and collage images. The company is very helpful, had great craft items and is British! I have heard they ship abroad very quickly too.

This is a RubbaDubbaDoo image with DCWV Taj Mahal papers and lots of jewels. There's that Indian influence again!

Friday 19 June 2009

I have been busy - really!

Despite the lack of blog updates I have been working hard. Not only did I discover that I have just a few short weeks to get work ready for the local art exhibition but I had a host of cards to make for various birthdays and celebrations and swaps to work for. Phew! Here we are at another Friday and I just don't know where the time is going. I am also contemplating signing up for another Open University course. I've got to keep those grey cells in gear. So far it is between theoretical archaeology and Darwin. Both appeal so it turning out to be quite a decision.

Because some of the cards I have made are for people who might be reading this blog I can't show them right now. But I can show you a few of the other things I have been working on. Two journal pages (front and back), some inchies and some silk beads. I'll put some of the other cards up later.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Simon Says Stamp challenge

The Simon Says Challenge blog is hosting an animal themed challenge this week but with a twist. If 100 people sign up for the challenge then Simon Says Stamp will donate $25 to the Humane Society of Delaware County Ohio. Regular readers of my blog will know of the plight of local animal shelters all over the world right now and this is a great way to help out while having fun. What's more, Simon Says Stamp will host a prize draw for all entrants and one lucky winner could get a £25 shopping spree in the Simon Says Stamp store. I have used this company several times and not only are there prices great but there is great customer service and fast dispatch and delivery - even to the UK.

So, this is my entry to the challenge. It's very simply done - some Basic Grey paper, some Penny Black stickers, a few home made glitter drops (made with UTEE and glitter) and my own quip. We've all heard of letting sleeping dogs lie but the mouse is certainly taking advantage of the sleeping cat.