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Saturday 27 June 2009

Making an exhibition

At long last I managed to come up with a few paintings for the exhibition. I still have more work to do on some but these two are now complete.

This little coal tit comes to my garden during the autumn and winter to get fed. He (or possibly she) is one of several that come to the feeders, pick out the seeds they like and spit the rest on the ground for other, ground feeding birds to get.

These guys are frequently seen in the field opposite. During the warmer weather some of them can be seen stretched right out in the grass sunbathing. You can't help but be inspired by their cute little faces.


  1. These are wonderful Gillian. The first one is exceptionally beautiful. Loving the palette.

  2. Terrific! I was sorely tempted to try petting the bunnies with the mouse cursor. Wonderful stuff!

  3. These are lovely, I found you by bloghopping, and am so glad I stopped by!

  4. Hi Gillian. Finally had some time this a.m. to stop by and visit your blog. I always enjoy seeing what is new with you and your paintings are just breath taking. Beautiful as always!! Best with your exhibition.


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