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Tuesday 25 August 2009

I'm back!

It's been a busy few weeks. I had a week away -not to some hot country with golden beaches, but to my sister's place to dog sit while she went to the hot country with golden beaches. It was great fun for me though. The dogs were brilliant and very good so we all had a nice time. Well, at least I think the dogs had a good time - at least they didn't complain to me.

So after the calm came the storm. I had alot of things to catch up on and have spent the last week and a half sorting everything out. Some of the things at the top of my 'to do' list were some swaps and cards so the following are the photos so far.

This fan is for a swap with one of my ATC groups. We were supplied with a template and instructions and had to produce one fan to send to a partner. This was my attempt - inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Halloween approacheth! Lots of Halloween images and papers have been floating around but inchies and ATCs are the easiest of substrates to cover. I hope the pictures will enlarge for you to read the humorous comments on the inchies.

This is my most recent page for the tip in collaboration. The farm and cat are hand drawn and the theme is related to 'Harvest'.

I have also started my new Open University course - Neighbourhood Nature. I had thought that it would take a more scientific viewpoint on nature watching but it is quite simple so far (and I have got to chapter 12 of a 13 chapter coursebook in five days). There are some experiments and observations that I have to make once the web site comes online (I just couldn't wait to get started with the course which doesn't officially start until the 1st September) so I will look forward to that in the hope that it will stretch my little grey cells a bit more. I can't help but feel that the Open University is dropping it's standards in order to get more people to take courses. As I said to a friend recently, 'They are meant to be teaching university level courses, not kindergarten courses.' But that's the cynic in me.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. You have been hard at work here! I love the variety and the humor in some of these pieces. The skull card is so cool -- I love interactive pieces. And just as an FYI, sometimes when you click on the image, it takes you to your Picassa web folder. And there you can enlarge everything.


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