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Monday 1 March 2010

Challenge Gillian pt. 2

My weekly attempts at producing a finished piece of art every week finally hit a speed bump this week. I could not decide which version of a dog I wanted to produce - a pencil drawing or a painting. So I started both this week but got neither finished. But it is not a big deal. This week I will try to finish them both. That way I will technically have done one piece of art a week.

Last week I turned to something a little less realistic. I produced some colourful bird collage/painting/things. With the Olympics taking up so much time I wanted to keep thing simple but didn't want to give up on my challenge. The two weeks before that I drew some more flowers and a miniature cat (2x2 inches). I really need to turn my attention to some larger pieces now. A few months and I will be nearing exhibition season again and it would nice to be prepared this year.

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