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Wednesday 7 April 2010

Challenge Gillian - belated

In March I finally fell off the challenge wagon. Despite trying to fit a completed painting or drawing into each week I had a rather rough week where I did nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. I lolled around. Since the start of the year I have been very busy and I needed to take a break and let my brain relax. Therefore no painting or drawing was done. I did manage to finish the two dog portraits I started in February throughout March. The pencil drawing turned out OK but the watercolour isn't so great. In fact I hate it. By the time I got to finishing it I was fed up with it, having drawn the same image in pencil. I'm not very good at drawing the same thing over and over - I get bored.

However, my garden has become a bit of a haven to some new wildlife. The bank voles are back, pheasants come daily to be fed and some red legged partridges come every now and then. The partridges are particularly fun to watch. They remind me of little rugby balls on legs. So I just had to sketch a few.

We are already into April though and I have missed the first of my Sunday deadlines. I will need to try and catch up. Unfortunately my tax return arrived this morning and that will be the first thing that has to be done this week.


  1. These are BEAUTIFUL! I would give anything to be able to draw like you do!
    The bunny is adorable how big is this?
    The dog, is my FAVorite! you captured his expression its such a thoughtfull look. Its not even my dog and I smile when I look at it.
    Awesome Artwork!! Don't let taxes get in the way LOL!

  2. Thanks Lori. You know, I would love to be able to create stunning quilts like yours too. I guess we all have our talents :o) The bunny is about 6.5 x 5 inches. I was trying out a new pad of paper that is quite small and of course I found myself running out of room - Doh!

  3. What an incredible series of drawings. All your animals always have such expression and personality!

  4. Hey Gill!

    'do another one' LOLOL I smiled at that all morning!
    what are you working on now?

  5. Thanks Seth and Lori. Lori, I will be posting some new pictures of my recent work this week - if I remember ;o)


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