Pages on my blog

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Apart from having the best blog name on the planet, Artfully Ooglebloops has been sharing some treasures with her followers. One of those treasures is a journal made myself and I am very pleased to include the link to the post. Why not pull up a chair and a cup of tea and have a read here.

But the excitement of my items being shared is not over. Last Friday one of my paintings was also included in a woodland theme blog post by Ello Design. You can see more here.

I am so very pleased to have been included in both these blogs this week. When you work so hard to make things that people like to look at it is such a thrill when other people tell the world just how much they like them. It is times like these that make the whole thing worthwhile.


  1. Congratulations Gillian. That is wonderful news.

  2. Congrats!! Thanks for liking my name!!!LOL I know there is no one else by that name anywhere!!!LOL Loving my journal, and been showing it around town. Thanks again!

  3. You are very welcome, Pat. Your name just makes me smile every time I see it :o)

  4. As my Mother always said."A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
    Don't know how long since we have been in touch.
    I may have told you already but I can't remember.My dear hubby passed away two years ago. The learning curve is proving to be a difficult climb.
    Love,love love the new beads.
    Dee in Canada.


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