Pages on my blog

Passementerie Buttons

Scottish saltire buttons

Square buttons


  1. These are amazing! How do you make them?

  2. Thank you. I am so pleased that you like them :) They are made by wrapping embroidery threads around a wooden base but the pattern depends on the way you wrap them. I learned how to make them from Gina-B Silkworks ( She has an online course, DVDs and kits that teach you how to make them. They are great fun to make, useful in so many crafts and totally addictive.

  3. I like your crafting very much.Are they a kind of dorcet buttons? I tried to find any tutorial But couldn't. Fortunately I found your blog and knew them as being passementerie buttons)))

  4. Thank you for your kind words, Nata. These buttons are a variety of different styles of buttons called 'Leek buttons'. Most of these buttons are variations on the classic Deaths Head button and a Star Wrap button. If you are interested in finding out more about them then I would recommend Gina has excellent DVDs, a book and an online courses on making these kinds of buttons. I learned to make these buttons using her DVDs and book so I would highly recommend them. She even has a free tutorial on making the Death's Head button ( I hope that helps. They are really easy to make once you know how.

  5. WOW!!! These are stunning ; )

  6. Thank you very much, Lelia. I am so pleased that you like them :)


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