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Wednesday 8 July 2009


Certain members of my family have named this piece Fungal-mouse due to the two toadstools in the background. Its official title was An Autumn Woodmouse - very boring if you ask me but I hate giving my paintings titles. The unfortunate thing is the exhibition demands it so I have no choice but to call it something. Luckily it is my final piece to be exhibited this year so I can relax a little now. I was still working on it at lunch time today and it had to be handed in tonight at 6.30 GMT. So, now that is done I can sit and read and catch up on all the things that have had to go by the wayside over the last few weeks. Here's hoping I get a sale or two.


  1. Oh, I love this little painting!
    Good luck with the sale.

  2. A big matter the title!


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