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Saturday 11 July 2009

Help the Hyena Researchers!

The students of Michigan State University's Holekamp Lab have their very own hyena blog all about their studies and life in Kenya. As a huge hyena lover I have been reading it for the last few months and have learned so much about life out there. It is undoubtedly one of my favourite blogs and I eagerly await each new post. The photos alone are wonderful.

Unfortunately the students rely on two clapped out cars to do their research and they are asking for suggestions on how to raise money to pay for a new one. They have a possible grant of $15,000 but a new car that would deal with the Kenyan terrain will cost three times that. The down side is that they have to find the other two thirds of the money by the 15th July. Michigan State University are in the grips of the global financial troubles and cannot donate so if you have suggestions for raising funds or know someone who might be able to help with a donation (do any millionaires ready my blog?) drop by their blog where you will find contact details and hopefully the safety of the researchers and the ability to spend more time researching the hyenas will be assured. Here is the link to the original post.


  1. Really glad to discover your blog, what talent! Fabulous beads and wonderful, heart warming illustrations: Great combination. I look forward to seeing more in the future!

  2. Your sketches always amaze me Gillian. Always!


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