Pages on my blog

Saturday 30 June 2018

Miniature wildlife watercolours

Miniature wildlife watercolours - that's a bit of a mouthful to say - but it was what I was painting last month. Some little animal portraits of a rabbit, puffin and badger. Like the paintings I mentioned last time, they are 2 inches square on 4 inch square rag moulded watercolour paper. They are such a good size to paint as they can be done quickly when I am trying to fit in painting time. I particularly like the scruffy badger.

Miniature wildlife watercolours badger puffin rabbit

As always, they can be found on Etsy or my own web site.

Friday 22 June 2018

Button Making Online Course

You might have noticed that I like making thread wrapped buttons. There are just a few of my attempts displayed on Passementerie Buttons tab at the top of the page. Well, exciting news! Gina-B Silkworks now has an online course in making thread buttons. I learned my button making skills through Gina's DVDs but now it is available to anyone regardless of where they live in the world. The DVDs actually led to Gina asking me to join her design team and my projects are on UK national television regularly. So you never know where those skills will take you.

Thread button making course

Although the buttons look complicated - believe me, I thought it would be impossible to learn how to make them - but it is actually a straight forward process that can be taken to all kinds of heights once you learn the basics.

I don't want to do the hard sell. I'm not a sales person. I want people to be inspired by what I make rather then talking them into buying new stuff. However I am VERY excited about this. I love making buttons. It was one of those totally unexpected hobbies that I never thought I would take to with such enthusiasm. And the cost is very reasonable - just £17.99 (roughly $23.84 US according to the currency converter on 22nd June 2018). Take a look at Gina's web site to find out more information - and prepare to become obsessed!

Sunday 17 June 2018

Hand painted badger pendant

I tried something a little different this week after seeing the cutest little painted stone on Pinterest. I found a tiny stone in the garden that would suit my needs and decided I wanted to make a pendant with it. I wanted to add a little badger because, well, anyone who knows me knows I like to paint badgers. This is the final result:

Hand painted badger pendant

The stone is only 2cm in width at its widest point. I added a little gold plated bail and strung it on some of my apple green silk cord. 

Hand painted badger pendant size

This one isn't for sale. I made it just for me.

Friday 8 June 2018

Watercolour paintings of Scotland - again

I was painting a bit more last month. It was so nice to sit down and get some paint onto paper for a change. Usually I am kept so busy with beads that I don't have time for much else. With Dad being ill I had to take some time away from work and painting was easier to get done than moving my bead making equipment around.

Three little landscapes were first on the board. We have been having some stormy weather recently so these little paintings all have stormy skies. They are 2 inches square on four inch square rag made watercolour paper.

Watercolour paintings of Scotland hills

I don't think I have every tried to paint the sea before - and I have to admit, it wasn't easy for me. But I gave it a shot and came up with these little seascapes with two of the volcanic islands that I grew up seeing - Ailsa Craig on the west coast of Scotland and the bass Rock on the east. Both are rich in history and are now havens for local sea birds.

Watercolour paintings of Scotland seascapes

As I mentioned before, all of them are available on Etsy.

Sunday 3 June 2018

Paper beads again

new paper beads june 2018
Just some new beads for this post. It has been rather quiet around home. My father took unwell two weeks ago so it has been all hands to the pump since then. He's doing better now but, as the saying goes, old age doesn't come itself.

I wanted to make some summery beads, which I think I did with the floral and Greek fish designs. But when I saw the dogs in military uniforms I knew I had to try and make beads with them. I have to say, they are my current favourites. The last set is called Moroccan Jewels - some nice strong, vibrant colours for summer.

As usual, the beads can be found on Etsy where I have also listed some new paintings. More about those to come soon.