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Friday 8 June 2018

Watercolour paintings of Scotland - again

I was painting a bit more last month. It was so nice to sit down and get some paint onto paper for a change. Usually I am kept so busy with beads that I don't have time for much else. With Dad being ill I had to take some time away from work and painting was easier to get done than moving my bead making equipment around.

Three little landscapes were first on the board. We have been having some stormy weather recently so these little paintings all have stormy skies. They are 2 inches square on four inch square rag made watercolour paper.

Watercolour paintings of Scotland hills

I don't think I have every tried to paint the sea before - and I have to admit, it wasn't easy for me. But I gave it a shot and came up with these little seascapes with two of the volcanic islands that I grew up seeing - Ailsa Craig on the west coast of Scotland and the bass Rock on the east. Both are rich in history and are now havens for local sea birds.

Watercolour paintings of Scotland seascapes

As I mentioned before, all of them are available on Etsy.

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